Re: So whats the best ENERGY DRINK

Forums Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION So whats the best ENERGY DRINK Re: So whats the best ENERGY DRINK


      Caffine? whats the deal…I do my fair share of coffee every day ,and look at me cool ,calm ,collected,laid back …but ya know you can drink too much , then you go to overload ,,,,but that never happens to me …hey ….it’s only 5 of 9 and i’m still waking up or….wakeboard ….or surfboard…or surf music, yeah …I love the beach boys…or surfin bird…or the birds the word….or words mean things….or things we remember…or things we forget…or who’s your aunt? ….or who’s your car? remember “my Mother the Car”? who ’bout “my Daddy the Gasser”?….or lets race your car…or race at the track …or ….. need some coffee 😉 …..caffine ? ….whats the big deal ….? 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯