FORUM /Website Due for maintenance

Forums Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION FORUM /Website Due for maintenance

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  • #10903

        In the coming days/weeks , we plan to do some much overdue updating of the entire site. Two things might happen…One -nothing…TWO-the entire site and / or Forum may be “down” while these things get done. The Forum softwear is way outdated and needs to be upgraded to the newest version. That will stop the repeated spam attacks, dumb user registrations and possible virus infection attempts by the idiot world wide web geek hackers.Papasmurph is already backing up the entire Forum ,as to not loose all the thousands of posts and links. He’s also working on some visual makeovers and redesigning just about everything. Thats why new products haven’t been posted at the store(3rd annual shirts-decals and new posters).SO …if all of a sudden the Forum goes blank, while our server moves the whole deal into the new softwear …don’t get excited and bombard me with e-mails.It just means the New stuff is being loaded.


            Forum going ‘down’ for upgrade TONIGHT…So watch TV or something.

            Papasmurph, just reloaded and upgraded M&M’s forum…Go visit there ! …He’ll have this Forum Locked Down from about 8pm on ,while He Backs up the whole shibang -then Reloads the new program. The new security features will then be installed to stop all the spamming and hacking.


                Opps-It’s Tonight last night ‘technical problems happened…and “mission aborted” back to base camp …but heading out tonight to infiltrate intruders and complete ‘mission’ ….taking no spam surviviors.


                    More to be done ….But “Papa” set up this while he gets under the hood some more:

                    Upgraged Forum Softwear was long overdue. Heres what I posted on M&M’s forum after the ‘Papa-man’ redid theirs:

                    This “wild wild web” is so wide open…any jerk with half a brain on computers and no brain with a conscience can cause unbelievable damage. Thats why the softwear on most programs is continually updated…..not to make it better but to put up firewalls-security measures (“roadblocks”) to try to eliminate the attacks. We have tracked IP addresses of the ‘infiltrators ,all over the world to ghost servers in China-Ukriane & just about any place they can get a phoney secret e-mail address to send out automated “Bots” (Robot spider programs) that send thousands of junk e-mail to any place they can get their ‘foot in the door”… some have attached viruses “Just for their warped” entertainment and others can plant junk(tracking ‘cookies’) on your computer. Many are trying to get ‘pay-per click’ hits on hi-trafficed sites to make, like one tenth of a penny on each hit. ..thats why they go for large quantity plants on as many sites as possible… the automatic programs they use are so fast ….they can switch from one e-mail source to another in a mili second…making tracking them almost impossible .Oh- all while the jerk is sleeping . The forum softwear is now current and we’ll be watching more closely.


                        The papa man is making headway…yesterday we had 96 inactive users (not activated-but trying to register) and a whooping 80 that actually got on the forum…I hit the administration control panel six times thoughout the day to bomb them out ( Ban by IP and delete)…he did some tricks and the attempts today are way down.The hackers always come up with a new mouse-trap.Thats what went on all this past month. He”ll be on again late tonight after the kids are asleep ‘doing that thing he does’ ….hey that sounds like a song …IT IS ….The Wonders.


                            Papa will Be at the ‘Front’ late tonight again…He’s broken the code and will be putting into the Registration process a step that the automatic Robot programs can’t crack.You need to be a human being and answer a question to continue on,… to register on the Forum. I’ve seen him in action on the keyboard -delving into the incripted coding off these highly complicated programs….It’s amazing and often intimidating ,the vast technology thats developed.You have no idea how technical it gets. Tearing down a shortblock is childs play in comparison. I give him high praise for the endless hours he’s donated ‘to the cause’, like at 1 am .If we didn’t have the Papa …this whole thing would have crashed monthes ago…As has been the case, with many other sites & forums.


                                You’ll notice …were doing ongoing switches and Papa has us back to the upgraded layout…Spammers don’t like his defenses and are inplimenting New attacks….Papa will win -his guns are bigger.


                                    ATTENTION IN THE PITS!
                                    AS an extra security measure WE RECOMMEND YOU ALL — ALL !
                                    C H A N G E – Y O U R – PASSWORDS…(Right it down -put in safe place too!)
                                    Its Easy DO THIS:
                                    GO TO “USER CONTROL PANEL”
                                    Click On “PROFILE”
                                    CLICK ON “EDIT ACCOUNT SETTINGS”

                                    THIS IS HOW an automated “Spam -Bot” works. “Bot” as in ‘Robot”…a super fast program that goes through and tries every letter combination until it actually “Finds” your password… then logs in -goes to your profile and STEALS your E-mail Address.Then It plants itself on some bizarre Server in another country and sends out thousands of e-mails WITH YOUR address . THIS HAPPENED AT The Classic Funny Car Boards(Which by the way IS a Kool Forum). Papa is working “in the boiler room” putting up other things for other reasons. BUT YOU and Only YOU can change your Password. ….and write down ,so ya don’t forget

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