This is not meant to open a political discussion with replies but simply my take on something that interested me……. 🙄 …..I sometimes listen to NPR (Public Radio) for the legitimate music but this on particular evening they were discussing a study that was taken in the NY. NJ. Ct. metropolitan area on suicides from heads of household……. 😕 Our government found in the study that in this group (ages 35 to 65) suicide was up 48% in the last part of THIS decade (2008 to 2013) over the previous 5 years of the decade (only 23 %)…….The findings stated that this was for the difficulty in finding proper mental health treatment… 🙄 ……WTF… 👿 How about the state of the economy , job losses , foreclosures etc. etc…And look whose been in charge…Now there is a real newsflash 😆 😆 😆 ……What ASSHOLES 👿 👿 👿
no surprise Don…consider the source…Be quite cautious in who you get your information from these days….many are just Totally not in touch with the Real World…get a report from who knows who and put it out…the reporter didn’t research it -write it or, in most cases even understand it…just a paid talking head given a “News Item” on a paper . Of course the truth is …look at ALL the data…thats like having someone in the pits come up to you and tell you “9 times out of 10, racers use too cold a plug”. So you go install a hotter one. WHO WOULD DO THAT ? Too much talk and no action…At least you picked up on that item…but theres thousands of things we just aren’t told. 2008 was the collapse of wall street and the beginning of the economic decline…Old NPR won’t go there, can’t put the real blame where it belongs. Stay sharp and check those plug readings yourself!