He’s a Classic! Our own Video Bob…Sent me this …Had me peein in my pants ..Though I’d Share it -OK BOB?
Years ago you could find 2 bay garage do some work hang out build a race car for not a lot of $$
Today, s**t need I tell you about running any business!!
Thought about buying some kind of car a hauler moving cars around,think about a lot of dumb s**t that never gets anywhere!!Sell potato pancakes out the back of a van !!
Everybody sells hotdogs!!
Guy in New Haven sells cupcakes ,I think he has a web site ta boot !!!
They sell pizza outta brickfired ovens in an old firetruck, for partys etc.Come right to you!!
Theres more guys with leaf suckers and stump grinders , powerwashers, snow plowing and lawn mowing than ever!!
Always wanted to be a towel boy on a tropical island ,that never panned out !!
Gotta get my mountain bike, put it in the truck, go down to Greenwich, ct. ride around the streets till i get clocked by some millionair !!
My Aunt worked at a motel shaking Farts out of the sheets.
V-Bob should use his Talents, Like be a Museum Guide (attic)….” and over here you can see the first Hot Dog Wrapper from Dover”
Just Deleted a Few “questionable “posts Here….Gotta be the bad guy and End the “off Color”…Kids & Women On here. Go to your room and write 100 times “I won’t tell dirty jokes”.
Seriously Though…Lets all Try To help each other out….Bob seems to be keeping his sense of Humor and everybody’s struggling …So lets keep it Fun and “light” …