Re: Anyone going to PRI?

Forums Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION Anyone going to PRI? Re: Anyone going to PRI?


      Way O.K., Dino.
      Randy; you mean THE ‘Goose? I’ve had him on my mind since I saw him in Pomona.
      Our booth is 3422 & 3424, we’re in the north hall. Our company is So-Komp, and we’re highlighting our new trailer mounted wind turbines as well as our regular super quality Carbon fiber capabilities. We are the guys that were building cabon fiber internal engine components until NHRA found them and issued a mid year rule revision for Pro Stock a couple of years ago. We still do p/s bike and car stuff. We’ve got some parts on cars that have been there for six seasons now, and tech still hasn’t found them. They are not specifically forbidden; and sometimes its better to ask forgiveness than permission It’s called ‘creative rule inturpretation’. ; it’s a lame site, but we’ve got a good one being put together right now.
      I’m excited! See you guys there!