Re: WOW… "Maso" SENT 1961 Race Report

Forums Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION WOW… "Maso" SENT 1961 Race Report Re: WOW… "Maso" SENT 1961 Race Report


      Notice something -like the date …and it says 5th straight (5 weeks)…actully opened May14, THEN had a “Grand Opening” on the date of the poster on home page. OF NOTE:
      James “Grover” Grove WAS THE FIRST PAID Customer at the track. He says him and a buddy slept in the car at the gate .Buddy in back seat, him in trunk. Gets a thump on the trunk lid to “Open up!”. First guys through the gate!. IT was “Smokey” waking him up and when he got to tech line, said to him ,”Want a job?”. He still HAS THE TICKET.Ask him about THAT at the reunion. the Two have run the thing now for 18 years …Thanks Guys !