Are We Seeing The Death of Car Magazines?

Forums Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION Are We Seeing The Death of Car Magazines?

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        So I look For My favorite Car Mags. in Walmart and they seem to be getting fewer and fewer. I went to Fayettevile (Big city to us) and notice where I could get all kinds of Drag Racing -Hot Rod all the rest , called ‘Books Amillion’ IS GONE ,closed up. It was a Big Store Too …jammed with books and just about every magizine you could think of. Wonder if the Barnes & Noble chain is doomed.I then check out K-Mart -Target- and sure enough NO Car Magazines .Just some Diesel and Import stuff.Is the Print Media finally dieing due to pads-pods and the internet. ?


            I too Dino,gaze at the “Hot Rod” magazines at Walmart every month,and yes,I agree,there dwindling down quite a bit! Both V Bob,and Paul B. keep a ‘sharp’ eye for me where they purchase there ‘mags’ in may be better there! I thank them ‘alot’ when they pick up ‘special’ gasser issues for me that I would miss out on otherwise.Like everything else,there prices have gone up,and buyers like us old farts,(being frugal),have become selective more than ever.


                Hello ‘Kindle” …good- by paper.Save your old mags! they’ll ALL be collectables soon , like typewriters and records.


                    Not to mention the ones that are left are getting mighty thin too!


                        I have huge stacks of old mags 70’s to 90’s but with the web I havent bought any mags since 1998, I don’t miss them either the web has endless info and no piles to store.


                            No doubt about it,the ‘hot-rods’ displayed in these magazines are beautiful,and articles interesting.However,unless your making a 6 figure salary,and your monthly bills are low,I think the overall majority of us ODF members,couldn’t afford these ‘restored’ hot rods! Just look at the drive trains (basically all ‘store bought ),then add on to the body and paint work,high bucks also! I’m sorta glad my era was in the mid 50’s to 70’s where it seemed alot more affordable than nowadays.I guess I’m getting more frugal (cheap) as I’m getting older.The ‘good’ thing about it nowadays (as bad as things are) is that it keeps the ‘hot-rod’ market going,with jobs,and we all know ‘that’s a GOOD thing’!!!!


                                Get Car Craft the sub is cheap and there is always cheap type projects to do on your car. This month they have a 68 Fury 2 door that the guy fixed up to look like a cop car but it hauls ass.


                                    ‘Cakes’ said:
                                    ” I’m sorta glad my era was in the mid 50’s to 70’s where it seemed alot more affordable than nowadays”
                                    Heres a great topic about how things changed . . .

                                    Re: Mystery Match Race ..Name the Cars ?


                                        books a million is a great store – too bad

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