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        Hey Guys,
        I had a great time at Jaycee’s on Sat. To see my father in law Smokey and Grover recieve the ODF hall of fame induction was great. It was nice to see all the Drag Racing history in one place at one time.All the movie footage and slides by Video Bob were excellent.I hope that something like that can be done every year. If Brian needs any help he can count on support from me.



            How could the love of cars do this to grown men and women,that’s what is crazy about about this Dover Drag Strip !
            I tried to find what kind of sickness ‘DDS’ is ,I can’t find a thing on it and I guess there is no cure for the damn thing!!!
            I watched the video I did a bunch of times today and just cant come to any logical answer what drives this machine we have been riding all these years!!
            I hate to say it guys n’ girls but I think we have found what true love is all about!
            Ahhh shit, lets just keep our foot on the ‘GO’ peddle and enjoy the ride till we all run out of gas!!!

            Thanks all for the ‘BIG’ effort and hope we can do it again !

            God bless you all,



                Hey….. Have TONS of NEW INFO GATHERED ….NEW Stuff to share gathered at the “FEST” …. AND Let all the Guys In on what we did …..WITH PHOTOS ! V-Bob sending Fantastic Video We Did…..Stand by …. gotta unpack ….unload all the new donated stuff And fill ya all in with a full REPORT & attendance list. Tommorrow ……Dino


                    First car event of 2009, had a great time. Found a new photo of Alley Opp from 1962 in the Brian Marasco colletion. He was nice enough to let me borrow it and get a copy made. Calling about getting the five spoke Americans polished tomorrow, and ligning up other parts of the restoration that has draged on for far too long. 2009 is the 50th anninersary of The Danbury Modifiers buying the rolling Lyndwood chassis, I should have it running at Marcus for the Reunion don’t you think?


                        Dino, The town supervisors wife was in this morning. His name is Armando (Andy) Mostachetti. She seemed pleased that there is an interest. She said her husband is sick and wouldn’t be able to be interviewed. She named a few people that raced there, she knows the current land owner. She said that someone that used to race there just went to Fla last week but she would forward my name and number and yours to them. So we’ll see what shakes out! Jack


                            It was a fun event; and I would say very successfull for a first effort especially considering, as Dino pointed out, none of this began until about six months ago. Pretty amazing; and everyone is to be congratualted for making the effort to show up. I wish I could have stayed for the entire evening, maybe next year we can nudge it a day or two away from the “Last Man Standing” event in my hometown.
                            Bill and I talked about this love of Dover and really, its a time that can never be brought back.. I think the closest thing to what we did back then lives not in the Hot Rod Reunion; which is just another way NHRA fleeces our money, or Goodguys, which is just a friendlier way of getting confiscatory amounts of our money from us, but racing like the Dover days is where the HAMB drags are. (With the exception that they are still just bracket racing). It was a very special time for sure.
                            I really enjoyed meeting the folks there; hope to spend more time and to meet more of them next year.
                            Bill called me from Wingdale and said Carl Spiedels son saw the sign and just popped in. (I never did see the damn sign!) That is so cool. Carl was always good to me way back before Doc even bought the “Black Arrow”. Carl drove a red Chevy, around a ’54 I think. It had a tuck n roll interior and was just cool. He took me for a couple of rides in it around the pits.
                            Thanks everybody! I’m sure we’ll be talking around this for some time!


                                Official Attendance Report And NEWS & NOTES ….With Photos:
                                Might have some missing in Action (Didn’t sign-in on attendance sheet )and might get the spellings wrong…but here goes:
                                Dover-Fest Jan. 10 2009:
                                Peter Maple………….Bee-Line………………A/GS
                                Vinny Lynn…………..Rye Ford………………A/MP,SS/E
                                Pete Stager………….Baby Cakes……………B/G
                                Paul Bayarinas………Jessica Racing…………B/SR….Now-“Tribute Willys”-Lithuanian Locomotive
                                Video Bob Bartkus…..tribute Willys Team”…..AA/GS
                                Bill Casey……………’57 Chev.,Camaro……..B/G,S/S,M/P…”Super Pumpkin”
                                Al Lindsey……………’68 GTO……………….D/S
                                Bob Minio……………”Uptairs Bob”………….Forum
                                Billy Masiello…………Masiello & Janeway…..B/D……Now-T/D
                                Jack Karl…………….”Bossguy”……………..Forum
                                Doug Faifbanks………’68 Camaro……………I/S
                                Bill Smrtic……………”Storm King”…………..SS/A, Pro-Stock
                                Gary Smrtic………….”Storm King”…………..SS/A, AA/SA,SS/D
                                John Colandro………..”Branded”……………..A/FX
                                Charles Hyatt………..Hyatt’s Pump………….SS/Stock
                                Phil Flynn…………….’67 GTX,’69 Dart……….SS/F,E/SA
                                Les Madaus…………..Untouchables………….A/A Fiat
                                Bobby Lagana Sr. ……too many to Mention !. Champion Auto Engineering
                                Bobby Lagana Jr……..Top Fuel-Now
                                Dominic Lagana……..Top Fuel
                                Jim Bellino……………Fred’s Speed Shop……..B/A,D/A
                                Mark Jacobs………….Scarsdale Dodge……….Jay Broderick,Walter Hall-SS/AA
                                Jim Grove(‘Grover’)…..’63 Dodge……………..SS/A,D/G
                                Mark Mastrianni(Smokey)…..Reunion,Track Manager ’51 Henry J….A/G, B/MSP
                                Joseph DiNardo Jr. ….Bracket……………….’63 Falcon (‘Tomatoe Head’)
                                Bill Bartolomo………..”Mr.Willys”…………….B/A
                                Lee Valentine…………Many………………….Stock & S/S
                                Andy Panessa…………”Plain Busted”…………Fuel Funny Car
                                Skip & Sue North……..”Mother’,”T forTwo”,Soul Sauce”….B/C,B/D
                                John DiDomenico…….’57 Vette, ’55 Chevy…..C/MP, D/G
                                Pat Spatafore………..’58 Chevy……………..N/S
                                Dave Picinelli………..’65 Nova………………SS/IA
                                Matt Spiedel…………Black Arrow…………..Son of Carl (Patrner with DOC) SS/A
                                Bob Nix
                                Louie Sauli…………..House Of Speed
                                Ron Colantuono……..’61 Vette,’49 Anglia…..K/S, C/G,B/A
                                Bob Swanson………..”Alley Opp”……………Restoreror This Modifiers Dragster & U.S.Mule
                                Richard Head jr. ……’63 Chev. …………….H/S
                                Al Puarith……………’57 Chev. …………….J/S
                                Lisa Svarplaitis……..Daughter of Al the Starter
                                Lloyd Riley…………..Dragster……………..Bought “Soul Sauce”C/D, O/S,SS/I
                                Al Lombardo…………Many…………………Als Toy Box, link on homepage
                                Brian Marasco……….Track Historian
                                Dino Lawrence……….Tracl Announcer……..’65-’72

                                Heres A Bunch Of “Candid Shots’…We all got Video’d By V-BoB at the original Track entrance….Will edit and post Video any day. Grover entertained us with Storys, and then Bobby Lagana and both sons showed Up !…….Started to SNOW …This was about 1 o’clock…so back to the Bar…and I ran around catching people “off-gaurd” 😀 ….Thats the great Cake Video Bob brought with Smokey, Me And Grover. Had two TV’s running Vintage Footage plus Video Bob’s slides all at the same time ….with TONS of Photo albums brought in….Information overload….Lot of STUFF ! Most stayed until 8-9…chowed down with great food and drink…Snow keep back a few,including 2ODF Hall Of Fame Recipiants: Richie Shott & Bob Laregina, But we did award Smokey & Grover Theirs.Plenty more to see when I get V-Bobs Video in Mail. I headed south about 10(In The Snow)…no problem…Some were already booked in local Motels and Brian camped out with ‘Upstairs Bob’-upstairs. I Few left early ,due to plowing comittments too. Many hooked up after many years and the whole thing WAS Fantastic.



                                    Dino, Mrs Mostachetti just called me. Her brother in law Leo Mostachetti is the fellow who went to Fla on the 6th. His number down there is 954-714-0266. She forgot to tell him about the web site but shes going to check in here. Her husband and Leo owned the store across the tracks from Jaycees and Leo raced at DDS.
                                    She told me another friend of hers, Cindy Parmalee used to race there and she will see her tomorrow at bowling and will pass the info onto her. Leo also has your phone number from this site. I’ll keep you posted at my end. Jack


                                        Count me in for help too, I only live 15 mins !! from the Track / Jaycees if Anybody needs help ,Brian,Dino,etc., with possibily another “Future Dover Fest” please let me know,if you have it in the summer I can bring Corn & Tomatoes !!!………………………………tomatohead! 😀


                                            Hi Dino… it was great seeing you sat. …infact it was great seeing everyone , even you Jack… finally meeting video Bob and Brian was great … Brian must sing BORN TO LATE in the shower every night 😆 Meeting Al ‘s daughter and talking for quite some time really topped off the evening … hope to see you all again someday… Billy [ Super Pumpkin ] Casey
                                            PS : Dino , I didn’t sign in


                                                I am Gald I Made It !!!
                                                by Tomatohead on Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:51 pm

                                                I am gald I was able to at least stop by and say hello ,my wifes jet flight was changed and she was landing early,so that was that . Anyway I was able to say Hello to Smokey,V Bob,Brian,Pual,Jack,Dino,Lee and dropped off some magazines with some Dover pictures and got a shirt for a friend of mind who also raced at Dover he had a 64 Dodge conv.with a 383 auto and he knew Doc Burgess ,his name is Ron Montaruli,he lives in Plesant Valley now,his dauther used to play with Docs dauther I think at the track, he said. He couldnt make it so I got him a shirt. I was only there a little while ,but I had alot of fun!!…………………………..V-Bob you really made me luagh when you said I wasnt the guy in the picture with the red Mustang , but it is me , just took the piture a little earlyer before I got there !!!… 30 yrs !!!……….tomato !
                                                Eliminator Winner

                                                ……………………….Moved ya “Marinara”….edit-dino


                                                    Forgot to tell ya……THANKS GUYS For showing even though the weather was Bad…It was Brian’s idea, credit go’s to him…I HAD to make it and it was so good see you all…..And step on track property for first time since ’74. I brought back another 200 ft. of 8mm ! 5 dvd’s of vintage footage…One of Bob Swansons ‘Priceless’ photo albums from ’61-’62….with more coming! and hooked up with Matt Spiedel to get stuff NOBODY has seen of his Dad and Doc Burgess including VIDEO!. Also got great Eastern Drag News copies from Storm King team and too much more to mention. Going through it all and ‘cataloging’.Will post stuff soon…scaning and copying for the next couple of days….wait you get aload of this stuff ! Tomato Head even lent me old magizines. As Iunpack I find More !


                                                        hi everyone we had a great time seeing everyone was great to see so many after all these bad it had to snow as im sure a lot more would have been was great that dino made the trip up. it was good seeing him after all these years.brian did a good job puting this whole party together.looking forward to seeing you all at the 19th original dover drag strip reunion and car show at marcus dairy. date to be announced.thanks again for a great time
                                                        smokey and grover


                                                            I am really disappointed that I couldn’t make it to Doverfest. Just thinking after looking at the beautiful Doverfest
                                                            sign that was out up next to the Jaycees sign what a great thankyou for those folks would be a new sign for out front.
                                                            Pass the hat.


                                                                Just want to say thank you to every one involved with Dover Fest . Dino Brian AND Video Bob we all owe you a lot.Got to meet Smokey and Grover Iguess you could call them the senior class of Dover there on opening day and myself would be the freshman class there on the last day .no matter when we were there we all share a common bond that little race track that brought us so many great memorys and hopefully many more to come I feel very lucky to have been a part of something that is so special . So speed on brothers and sisters and lets keep the memory alive!

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