› Forums › Forums › RACE TECH QUESTION FORUM › Engine Diapers
Found out last weekend how good they are! Last weekend at the North American Nationals B.J. broke a rod .it ended up in the diaper along with 8 quarts of oil but not one drop on the track ! We all complain when ever a new piece of safety equipment is mandated but I will tell you this is one well worth the money and time !
😀 😀 😀 Hey Billy…absolutely…agree with you…100%…we’ve got “diapers”…on both our little cars…not only the “mess”…track-wise…but on a “short” (door-cars) race car…it’ll “save” your car most often (“oiling” the tires) 😀 😀 😀 …from going on it’s “lid”…losing your “whole” investment…and putting yourself/kids,etc…at more “risk”…even in our couple of 10 second “rides” (not all that fast…for sure)…wouldn’t ever think of running any race car…again…in any catagory…without one! Drake
Hemi Huggies ! 😆
power shift Pampers
And The Ever Popular’ Drag Depends ‘
Way too many paint fumes Dino
…………….Burp -dino 😆