I have a couple years to go but you ODF’s out there lets hear all I should know about medical coverage at 65 !Medicare, supplements etc. etc.!!!
I dont know too much, so anything will help me and I’m sure others when they get to 65!!!
Thanks for any help!
Plan ‘A’ and ‘B’, if you need subscriptions ‘D’. My suggestion Bob, sign up for your VA medical benefits. Much cheaper co-pays,and ‘alot’ cheaper when buying prescription drugs. The Doctors are all great,and if you need to go in the hospital for anything serious,there just as good as all the rest! Take advantage of it,go local VA clinic, sign up,take a physical,and your set for life with coverage,along with your Medicare plans.Hey you served,now you deserve!
Hey Cakes…….I’ve heard horror stories about the VA and it’s kept me away all these years…Insurance has cost me big $ through the years but these assholes have screwed up and I believe killed some of my buddies…They use us for test dummies…….. 😥 I’ll never go there and I’ve instructed my family, nothing military when I pass..I want nothing mentioned about my service…Not even a flag…This is NOT the same country that we served…Sorry to be such a hard ass about this but be careful at the VA 🙁