Gene Terenzio passed this along…since I don’t Read the Washington Post -most don’t (And it wasn’t on news )….this little ‘Tid-Bit” got mainly overlooked. Lets not make this topic a Rock throwing political blog.BUT Important Info SHOULD be shared.Still never heard anything about this.If ya get silly here I’ll lock the topic. Just posted ” For Your Information”.
We report -you decide.
IN A “NUTSHELL” heres what this article says:
According to the Washington Times, here are the problems with “ObamaNet”:
The government will be able to track every web site you visit and every keystroke you send on your home computer.
The government will be able to track every purchase you make and every deposit and withdrawal, and gain access to your electronic health care records.
The government will be able to track every blog comment you make, along with every Facebook and Twitter post.
The government will be able to create lists of your friends and acquaintances and lists of all your political affiliations, political donations, club memberships, hobbies and interests.
It’s impossible for the government to make this system 100% secure (remember Wikileaks?), meaning criminals would need to steal only one key to unlock a vast amount of your personal and financial information.
Although the White House will tell you it is a voluntary program, the government “voluntary” programs too often end up becoming mandatory.