› Forums › Forums › NOSTALGIA DRAGS › 10th ANNUAL DOVER DRAG STRIP NOSTALGIA DRAGS › It’s Official Date CONFIRMED Sept 21-22-23
Yup ….Just Talked To Wayne…THREE DAYS …Fri-Sat-Sun, Sept 21,22,& 23. Open on Friday and start running about 3pm. til ???? It’ll be Test & Tune Friday and get a lot of Tech over with …Sat Am Too. Three day Passes and Two Day passes….maybe do a Gamblers Race …Streamlining Eliminators for Sunday for the good of the entire event…some may not agree,but we (Wayne and I ) have looked at all the years Car counts -participation and targeted ALL the rough spots. in time frames and operation. A lot of Phone calls and planning sessions through out the event. . .During-before and now after. Goal is to end the eliminations earlier, and start the ‘show’ & eliminations like back in 2013 & 2014. …and before. WE KNOW what the problems are and have made some wise decisions.
HOLY HOCKEY PUCKS ,only 353 days ta go, I better get ready !
Super “NICE” Dino! It’s great to see that some of the wrinkles we’ve had at the event in the past are seriously being ironed out by both you and Wayne, and “VERY” much appreciated! No doubt, “THIS WILL BE THE BEST EVER”!!!
Awesome Dino can’t wait thank you for all your hard work!
Rich topgun
NICE!! Already booked my room…LOL!
Bobby Smith
I believe “THE” Mr. Ed was one of the original factory 50 Hemi cars? Any current exterior pics?
Bobby Smith
COOL Nice Deal & Dates Fastlanes Birthday Is On September 21st 2018 Looking Foward To More Winning Ways / Events Next Season. Speaking Of Winning Spectro Oils In Brookfield Conn Came Thru Yesterday On There Sponsorship Award Package For The Dover Vintage Dragbike Class From The 9th Annual Event Back In September. Special Thanks John Dunn & Dino For Putting This Together To Help A Die Hard Dover Dragbike Racer Out
They Donated 4 ) Quarts Of 20/50 W Motor Oil 2 ) Quarts Primary Fluid For The Clutch Side And 1 ) Transmission Fluid Plus A COOL Black Spectro Performance Oils Baseball Cap