› Forums › Forums › NOSTALGIA DRAGS › 6th Annual Dover Drag Strip Nostalgia Drags 2014 › NETO returns For Both Days
Just in To ‘Race Central:
“Dino, we finalized our schedule today. We are with you in August. Its an event we would not miss. I will have final copies of our schedule posted this week.”
……AND A Better bunch you couldn’t find .Might have to do with all the Former Dover Racers that are members ;)most with their original Dover Car. But seriously…they show the other race groups how it should be done.Since our Move to Lebanon…NETO has been a part of our Weekend , usually running two points races -one each day. And first round losers on Sunday can ,enter into our Dover Eliminators .
NETO member Rich Head has again offered to be the Lead car in our Time Warp Parade, and other members are active in helping us plan and advertise the event. Check Out their website…Join Up and have some fun http://www.neto-nostalgia.com