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Been talkin about this for years (Why …kinda,we went to two days) Said Last year:
“by dinotheweirdo ยป Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:02 pm
Keeps Coming Up…”What are we doing Saturday Night?….don’t Know ! The Racing Stops at 5pm cause the Dirt Track is opening up for Spectators….Someone Needs to Get the Ball rolling , spearhead the organizing and just pick a Central place to meet….The nice grass area behind the tower? a Restaurant….?”
WELL OL DINO has the answer. Just set it up with Wayne ,who’ll nail it down with Howie. Our First Sat. Night
DOVER OLD TIMER’S PARTY…..Behind the Tower! -Under A TENT with Hamburgers-Hot Dogs and Drinks (Non-alcoholic) Right after last Run (5-5:30) til as long as you want.Walk in or Roll in on your pit vehical ….bring a lawn chair …bring a camera/video…we’ll lay out some tables for photo albums…sign in on the New “In Memory Boards”….take a group shot .We’re working out a “Food Ticket” price and how to sign in to pay. Howie and Wayne do this all the time at the Bracket Finals and some Divisional meets.Got plenty of time to work out the details so stay tuned.Good for Guys coming For stay over to run Sunday only too. Will need a couple of ‘helpers’ to help Chef Howie serve. Door prizes and a 50-50 !
OH oH …Practice Tree Races…I’ll Donate Shirts for the Door Prizes and Hit up the sponsors for stuff….what Else ?…V-Bob on acordian? I’ll hit up Howie for A Race Gas Credit Prize ….Ok this can work.
After the pie eating contest we can have full 1/4 mile potato sack races with a flag starter!
Could add Pot Luck Side Dishes…No V-Bob get out of the footlocker…thats for the VA retirement home.
Wayne & I are working on this …Couple more Details to work out But This is a GO .We’ve been on the phones discussing all the options.