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  • #85065

        Stand By… I plan to Blitz this Event Heading With Extensive News-Notes-updates and everything you need to Know about the event for any of you that aren’t following on FaceBook/Twitter/Instagram (That I have set up.). Papasmurf …our Ace Website Tech has had to up date over 40 “plug-ins’ that are added features that make this whole website-forum operate. More to do but the technology changes faster than ever.Those Plug- ins are custom added features that he added to the basic softwear …lot of time -lot of effort.He Does this Free in his spare time.Look up what a site like this costs.Outrageous $ .So watch the forum and get the latest.

        • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by dino.

            Ok Here Goes… Quick Update on Where we stand and a review of last year. All Last year. I continually called Wayne just about every weekend(mostly  Sundays) . It went Like “How Ya Doing? -you arrested yet?) even during the week we stayed in contact.He’d tell me what the state was up to. Most State Crackdowns involved the Dirt Track…It was like they ‘forgot” or were clueless about the Drag Strip. But early on because of Churchs not be allowed to “assemble” outside,they challanged the ruling right up to the States supreme court. That Judge ruled that the restrictions on outdoor gatherings was ‘potentialy unconstitional” and put an immediate injuction on them.That opened the door for Wayne & the Drag Strip to piggy back on the ruling. He put in place not mentioning “spectator & General Admission” -Called them “participants” .Still the Gov. & his henchman continulay targeted the Dirt Track to the point of restricting Spectators and pulling his Clubhouse Liquor license. Stupid cause his has two other seperate licenses for each ‘Consession’ stand ( Drag & Oval)  anyway. Didn’t matter ….he couldn’t open up the clubhouse anywhy. Gov. said can’t serve liquor without serving food.Thats like give me ten beers and a hamburger.DUH.So Each week the Strip operated without incedent.Sometimes He’d relate Funny Stuff. Like ‘How ya Doing ?” One week his answer was”You won’t believe who’s running today,Cuomo’s personal mechanic for his car collection.just made two rounds.”OR  “how Ya Doin ? ” -“We just had 6 State Troopers Here ,some drunk lady fell down in the pits.we called the ambulance and the troopers heard it and showed up.They said ‘thanks Wayne we needed some action today,we were bored” ..At last years Dover Event NO one ( State ) showed up at all .As I said on the start line over the PA.’Welcome to the Virus Nationals”.thought they’de all pee in their pants. So With all the restrictions last year .and everything opening up-we should be better than ever this year. Next Posts Will clue you in on all the to date planning.Look for seperate Topics related to differant things.

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