Updated Pricing (Crew-Car/Driver)

Forums Forums NOSTALGIA DRAGS 12th ANNUAL DOVER DRAG STRIP NOSTALGIA DRAGS – 2020 Updated Pricing (Crew-Car/Driver)

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  • #84988

        Updated Pricing : Just Confirmed with Wayne At Track By Phone 1;25-7/26/2020

        Lowest track fees( like Reg. Test&Tune)…note this is first increase in 10 years ! couple of bucks, no Biggee .

        We Are Encouraging 2 Day (Sat-Sun)AND 3 Day Passes (Fri-Sat-Sun)…For Driver/Car Entry  AND Crew.

        To Save You Footwork get each day (Crew) And Car/Driver to Tech ONCE …not each day.

        CAR/Driver Entry

        Friday $25.

        Sat $35.

        Sun. $35

        Crew (must be through Tech Gate)

        Friday $12

        Sat. $12

        Sun. $15

        NOTE Crew Price SAME FOR Front Gate “General Admission” each Day

        …..Sunday Does have “UNDER 12 year old ” Sat….$10….Sunday “Under 12 year old ” FREE

        AS IS FREE for Valid Military … Active -Vet -VFW And First Responder ID Police/Fire/EMT

        • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by dino.
        james niemynski

            How many crew members allowed? And how much total for each on a three day pass?


                Many “Crew” as You Want (At Tech lane) 3 and 2 day passes are not discounted .add up for total…But sure helps to not have to go Tech lane  each day and crew to go to Tech Booth every morning. Wayne’s plan to eliminate Daily “re-Teching” and crew trips to check in  . Just do it once. Saves a lot of time to get you into the staging lanes ,instead of daily Tech.We Did it last year and it worked great.


                    Many “Crew” as You Want (At Tech lane) 3 and 2 day passes are not discounted .add up for total…But sure helps to not have to go Tech lane  each day and crew to go to Tech Booth every morning. Wayne’s plan to eliminate Daily “re-Teching” and crew trips to check in  . Just do it once. Saves a lot of time to get you into the staging lanes ,instead of daily Tech.We Did it last year and it worked great.

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