Well how about that! I didn’t know you were right there. If you see the Cagnazzi team (Jeg’s) there testing, go over and say hi to Roy Simmons and introduce yourself if you don’t already know him. He is a great guy; one of the really good ones in racing today. We met him a long time ago when we were doing carbon fiber work on the Dodge pro stock truck program. We’ve worked with him ever since. It breaks our heart that we have to help Chevy guys beat our Mopars, but pro stock is so perverted from its early days we really don’t care much anymore anyway. Today’s super stocks are like pro stock in the early days (in fact, most of them would be illegal for Pro/S)! We were the reason NHRA came out with a mid year rule revision which called out what alloy and how may grams each engine component had to weigh; we were building carbon fiber internal engine componenets and they found out about them. I thought we’d be able to retire on that one, and NHRA screwed us again! We’re doing some other stuff in carbon that have been on a couple of the cars for 5 or 6 seasons now and NHRA tech hasn’t found them yet; so that part is still fun!
I didn’t mean to ramble, I had a couple of things to mention here.
Most recall how drivers during those wild match race days, all had nicknames. We all know Mongoose, Snake, Big Daddy, etc. Lesser more prevalent ones like “Wild” Bill were everywhere. Bob Harrop was know as “The Arab” (how would that fly today?) Doc tried that for a short time and came up with “Stormin’ DVM”! Not quite as catchy as he’d hoped, I think! it was lettered on the car for a short time, I think when the wheels first got shoved forward and the wheelwell had a funny arch to it, tapering in the front the same as it was at the rear.
We won S/S eliminator at Dover one weekend, and as a joke, Bill decided to put “Mild” Bill instead of “Wild” Bill on the paper for who had won.
Well wouldn’t you know it, the one time we get a tiny bit of press, some yeah-who in the editorial office messes up and there in Eastern Drag News for all to see it’s printed “Milo” rather than “Mild”, so the whole idea turned to crap faster than the notion that taxpayers should bail out fat cat politicains who caused the sub prime mess to begin with.
Last thing before I actually have to get something done this morning…I had some friends from high School who moved to Cary, N.C. They said it was an appropriatly named acronym for “Containment Area for Relocated Yankees”!
O.K., just saw the bit with Doc’s address. We’ll write him and see if we can get him on here.
(edit-dino…just TALKED to HIM ON PHONE !…See my posts here concerning that )