› Forums › Forums › OLD RACE CAR LOCATOR › ’57 Corvette Street Racer – Drag Racer – Dover?
Looking for information about my ’57 Corvette. It was purchased in Yonkers in 1971. Because it was close to Dover, it’s appearance and the fact that it had a roll bar, I believe it may have some track history. As far as I can tell, the car had a small block (but who knows?), fenderwell headers, a roll bar that went through the passenger seat, some kind of traction bars, was a dark red or maroon color with a black interior, a Grant racing steering wheel and a Ramchargers-Mopar hood scoop. This scoop arrangement was odd for a Corvette! You can see much of this in the attached picture. The last owner I found says he bought the car in 1971, on Central Ave. at a house across the street from a diner. The 1971 buyer’s name is Chuck Cartelemi. He’s a big car guy from Croton, so some of you from that area may know him. He’s one of the guys in the picture. The owner after him came from Putnam, but I don’t know what he did with the car if anything. I’m hoping that some of you might remember the car or the previous owners and give me some history.
I’ve also gotten some names of people from the Yonkers area who were into racing that might have known about the car, but I can’t reach them to ask. They are: Pete Spiak who with a guy named Al were into building crazy Vettes,( Al’s son might still own a bike shop in Yonkers), Frankie San Marco (owned a red ’57 Vette), Al Picarello ( built early Vettes, maybe in Mt. Vernon), Frank or Nick Toritto from the same area and a couple of Izzo brothers. Anyone ring a bell?
I’m attaching a couple of pictures of the car then. Thanks for your help. P.S. I’ve also included a picture of the car now.
Hey Guys …Any one got some info…new guys coming on all the time. Bring that Bad Boy to Our Nostalgia Drags in OCT. Show off in Display ..not race area