Chris -Keith? Cyr-Photographer …need to find

Forums Forums WHERE ARE THEY NOW ? Chris -Keith? Cyr-Photographer …need to find

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        Chris Cyr-Photographer …heard his name from more than one Dover Guy…Set up a tri-pod near the starting line. someone thought he was from Fairfield…County? Town? …New Fairfield ? Should be a great source for Photos . Any ideas ?


            Dino do you think it was Chris Cyr or Kieth Cyr for some reason the name Kieth seems to pop into my head . there was a guy who took pictures in the later years of Dover .For some reason Kieth Cyr sounds right.


                Might have a point…Keith ,I remember from Danbury Stock car Days…Danbury Guys Might help here ….HELLO DANBURY anybody there ?


                    As I write,I am looking at the back of a photo taken at Dover in 1973. On the backit says, Keith Cyr
                    5 Grandview Ave.
                    Bethel, Conn. 06801
                    Tel. (203)748-1639
                    Now I’m sure you won’t find him there, but maybe it will turn up a lead for you.
                    Good luck, I always meant to get a hold of him years ago, to see if he had any more shots of our car. I’d also like to find the track photographer from Atco from the early 70’s also.


                        found one in Danbury…even have phone# …will try tomorrow


                            BINGO …Connection Made …it’s KEITH Cyr..Knew him from Danbury Stock car days..he ran there. Just got off phone with him. AND YES …he did double duty in the 70’s ..Sat Night Danbury Stock Cars AND sundays shooting photos at Dover .He sent them in to Drag Times after I left. Guess who wrote the stories ? … Al Hoffman’s Wife ! Keith had his 4-wheeler and tripod…buzzing around the track, shooting pics. .He’s checking his dark room to see if he still has Dover Stuff. Very involved Now with Waterford Speedbowl and informs ME that they run 100 ft. drags there on certin Wed. Nights .His older brother Larry Cyr worked at Dover with Gil Hicks, who runs a service station in New Fairfield. More Dots being connected . Click Here to visit His web-site :


                                Great talk’in at ya Dino……………… We got cut-off cuz the battery went dead in the phone. I guess we where on longer than it was ready for. Registered as you said, got the confirm and here I am. Sort of like a step back in time. As I mentioned with the Speedbowl thing and all I’m kinda busy with working a real job from 7:00 – 3:30 in Ridgefield, CT.,. I’ll find the time and I have 2 neg scanners and we’ll see what I can come up with. Oh and most importantly……THANKS for the LINK….
                                Keith “Race Dog” Cyr 😎


                                    Keith ….A year !..????.We might have to send out our Search & Destroy Team…DDS operatives are in your area ! somebody make a “Visit” .


                                        I’m waiting !!!BRIAN M


                                            Keith …Hello …Mission: Find Dover Photos …..! we’ve called & e-mailed ….looks like he might have to be found at those 100 ft. Drags at Waterford…Then he’s in Big Trouble 😆


                                                Earth To Keith ! ….Dover Photos ??? anybody got a contact on Keith…I’m e-mailing again ! 👿

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