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While reading all these post some of you guys have briefly mentioned being drafted can I ask, what was it like to be drafted?
What branch?
What MOS?
What was it like to get the draft letter?
Did you have kids when you got drafted?
Looking back was it good for you?
I was RA Regular Army.Got my balls busted all the time,always made fun of because I joined while they had ‘no choice’ serving in the Army!
I joined after seeing all the grunts coming home in body bags on the news.
I knew I would be drafted soon so I joined,that way I was able to choose my MOS (job) and went into heavy equiptment operator school! FTA(Fun Travel Adventure)or was it to mean something else??See the world !Hey, who out there knows what M.P.C. is or was?? If ya guess you get outaaa shit burning detail in the a.m.!
I turned 18 in ’66…got the ‘dreaded’ DRAFT NOTICE letter…”.Report to ..blah-blah for your physical.” took the bus from Peekskill to WhiteHall St. -NYC. was like going to prison. Later got a deferment for my bad back . Nam was going on …was glad I got out.. But many of my friends went and didn’t come back. Strange situation in my house …Dad was a Reserve Officer & WW II vet.
I also turned 18 in 66 got married my wife boke my back and needed surgery, when i reported for my physical in New Haven i was labeled 4-F due to back injuries. Thanks to those who served in the military. My dad was a WW-2 veteran. My wife really did not brake my back. I was in car accident where the injury came from. Some of my friends fom Stamford did not return from Vietnam. Our prayers go to our armed forces and their families that are serving for us.
I was drafted in September of 65. As my folks dropped me off to take the bus to NYC for my physical, my dad said I’ll see you tonight. I had a problem with a heart murmur all thru school, he didn’t think I would pass the physical, surprise! I was breathing when I got there & that was all they cared about. Outside of some long hours without sleep, it really wasn’t as tough as I expected it to be. I have always been interested in the military, have boxes & shelves crammed with biography’s & unit histories. I just don’t have the words to express the respect I feel towards those that have served, especially those that were in combat. I don’t know why I didn’t wind up in Nam. It got such negative press, but the guys that came back were signing up for more tours over there. I wanted to see for myself, but was told there was a clerical hold on me, & I wasn’t going nowhere, so I got out at the end of my enlistment. Still keep in touch with some of my old friends from the service. Some of them went to Nam, not all came back.
It sucked! But like libral Arlo I got good and drunk the night before, and reported to Great Neck LI for the bus to Fort Hamilton. With all due respect, its a odd question you ask. I was 19 and just had my license suspended for 60 days 3o days before I was drafted (Feb. 23, 1969). While at Ft. Jackson S. Carolina I was told to get my license and report to some office, I replied I didn’t have it with me. I was told get back in formation and from that moment on my MOS was 11-Bravo and my orders were for Jungle Land (Ft. Polk LA) and South East Asia. I believe that every 18 yr old male and female should be required to serve at least 6 months of military or 1 year of a country service in this country WITHOUT any exemptions. For this service besides the honor of becoming a contibuting citizen for your country you would also receive a government paid community college education in your state. I was no Gung-Ho Macho guy, but I never got along any better with my old man than I did that morning he dropped me off to catch that bus, he gave me a few bucks and said to use it if I wanted to play some cards. He was WWII Army Air Force serving in the South Pacific. It was never a real big deal Uncle Sam said “We want you” and I went. Looking back over the last 60 years I wouldn’t change a thing if it meant that other things beyond my contol would change accordingly.
This was too long I would change that.
Thanks for the responses cool 😎 , I was tempted not to even post this topic cause it does seem a bit odd like Patina mentioned but if I did not ask how would your story ever be known, you guys that got drafted are an end to an era we have not had a draft in over 35 years nobody but you guys knows what it was really like the story should be told , there is honor in serving and an added honor being drafted (I think) ….. btw I also served was all volunteer and choices too , all peace time no real story to tell……..
Fill me in on the M.P.C. 😕 ,,,,,,,,,,, I may have had it 😈 😈 😈 , while in the field in Germany for two weeks we had a large 4 man out house set up it was nothing more than a large and very deep hole with a canvas tent and wood seats number 2 and a trouff for number 1 after the the tent was taken down the two low rank soldiers got the nasty job of burning the pit (I was one of the guys on that detail) before the dirt went back in it was a nasty nasty job and made zero sense too no need to burn the Shiiiiiiiiit just bury it and be done 🙄 😈 😈
I spent all of 1964 and 1965 with the Army as a draftee……….(V Bob, we need to talk about that RA stuff)…Hated it at the time but now I wouldn’t change what I did…………GOD BLESS America and all our VETS,,,,,,,,,,,,Welcome home my brothers and sisters…………………………Don……….
M.P.C. = Military Personal Currency ?
Anybody here remember that building at Whitehall St…??? I sure do…!!!
Whats the story Army, Marines , Navy or Air Force ??????? MOS???? Was this thread too tacky???????? if so just wack it and make it go away.
You guys have the honor and my respect 😎 😎 😎
Naw…part of our memories…A Lot of Dover Guys had their Racing interupted with the Draft…It connects to our time.