purchasing reproduction class winner stickers..

Forums Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION purchasing reproduction class winner stickers..

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        Of course I love the Dinoman….But that will not stop me from busting his balls 😆 😆 😆


            EQUALIZER -MAN…How can you break somethng thats already busted? You should know!…just bust into smaller pieces.?


                I never won a race at DDS and I dont give a rats tail about any WIN sticker- decal
                WE HAD FUN!!and I’m still having fun !


                    Hey V-Bob …Man of few words but There Ya Go…Maybe I’ll make “Round Winner ” Decals for the Nostalgia Drags ..EH?


                        Is it over yet? Can I come out? 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄


                            Yup 😀 ……Forums are like E-mail ..ping pong conversations. When the incoming gets heavy …I just pick up the phone. Person To person dialoge always best .They All got it now. Just took off my flak jacket…ya see ‘some ‘ things I choose not to make public.Pat…pretty soon we’ll start sounding like all the grumps and opinionators on the “HAMB”.


                                Hopefully,with all the input,things will get ironed out,and it’s also good to get it out in the open,on different ‘opinions’ and why. ‘PEACE’ my ODF brothers! Lets move on,and come on out Pat,the ‘flack’ has hopefully calmed down a bit 🙄 😕 .On a serious note,missed you and Mike at the Dover 22,hope all is well,Pete.


                                    hi. your track historian brian sent me a message today. he found me 2 ’65 class winner decals for my gto. hes going to mail them out to me. thank you very much. i will be honored to dislpay them on my quarter window to be period correct and to spark interest in the memory of your beloved racetrack…rickm.


                                        Okey-Dokey…All’s well that ends well….Brian and I are collaborating on several things…He’s got New photo finds being sent to me along with other stuff.


                                            there was just an auction on ebay for an original 1972 water slide decal that i lost out on. sooner or later i’ll get one, lol.


                                                ….see what I mean…72 WASN’T A Water Slide…It was a die Cut Vinyl. By the Way …Not Many Water Slide Company’s still in esistance. New Style Water Slide incorporates Laquer process for surface mount only as in furniture and guitars.Old Style -very rare and uses Corn starch .New style is a laser print process…old stlye used screen print.



                                                    This guy on EBAY is just SO bad ,I reported him to Ebay for Obvious Copyright Infringement…It just too Apparent He Stole my ‘Concept” and is using it for Personal gain without permission.I’de win hands down in court. I would be totally Embarrassed to stick that on a vehicle..it’s so ,well ,Poorly portrayed and BOGUS.



                                                        Found another Ebay commando Selling a ’63 in Vinyl ,stating:
                                                        “”This is a reproduction in vinyl (peel and stick) of the Class winner sticker given out at Dover Drag Strip in Wingdale, N.Y., This is a HI QUALITY decal redrawn by our artist.””< “you HAVE to Tell me That?” wasn’t redrawn…it was scanned -and badly…Yo! …It was Water Slide in 63


                                                            here is the address of the ebay auction i was talking about. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&item=330784477867&nma=true&rt=nc&si=FX2jab1P56LZA7keHHLuAGjFv4U%253D&sspagename=STRK%3AMEDWX%3AIT&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc#ht_500wt_1073 so then does anybody have a real 1972 sticker that they would like to sell?

                                                            Thats a fake… Got one for ya …see your private message.


                                                                With a little luck…I’ll be making a GIANT Announcement shortly. Water Slide Decals are like Hand lettering…..very difficult to find people that still do it ….Even the company that did the Jalopy Journal ones I have, are out of business. I’m also in ‘negotiation’ with some other folks ,but thats another story.

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