› Forums › Forums › DANBURY DOVER REUNION News / Notes / Photos › "2012" DOVER DRAG STRIP REUNION-22nd,.
I’m In..Hey Tomato, see ya there 😎
Tommy …Drive in with a tractor 😆
POSSIBLE SURPRISE GUEST…says “Smokey” today by phone…….Think- ‘Paradise Road ‘ ….will confirm Saturday.
J.S. and I are going 😎
Look for Dave Hill that ran the Tazmanian Devil C/GS to show.
…… OK sorry about the delay had to chase the deer out of the Garden when I got home 😀 …. so this looks like the place for the photos from the Dover Reunion # 22 😀 , so Ill post as I load them for all of you to enjoy ❗ it was a great day for the reunion and was packed pretty good ❗ I did not see the Lingiunie Bros. and we all missed you guys 😀 ❗ …….. “FRANK” that goes for you to 😀 ❗ ……….. I took these “Drive Bye” photos from the road when I passed the “TRACK” on the way over to BIG ALs ❗ 😀 ………… last one is of the bar by the tracks , nobody is runnin it , 🙄 anybody want to open up the “Dover Drag Strip Inn” ❗ ❓ 😀 ❓
Hey Thanks for all the Photos …like I was there..kinda