This could be interesting….If I Dood It…

Forums Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION This could be interesting….If I Dood It…

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  • #11472

        …I might Get A whooping….I DOOD IT 😯 😯 :

        THIS IS FOR EVERYONE…. Company!!!! FALL IN!
        TIME for our semi=annual “Suggestion ” Think Tank….Would like to hear “YOUR” suggestions …(why do I do This? )
        ,…..on what you’de like to see on the forum…added…. deleted…modified…please put brain in gear before releasing the submission.



            Post all the videos I have sent you,like 3 different years of DDS Reunions and repair the videos that were posted and are now missing from the DDS site!



                Good idea Bob! Lots of coverage between seeing ‘ole’ Dover drag cars,and of course seeing us ‘ole’ Dover farts besides! (We ain’t gettin’ any younger!). Also a ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOVER DRAGSTRIP’ on ‘subject’ column, when it’s anniversary comes up every year! Maybe that photo of Chet and Joe together included with that,or a ‘good’ shot of the track also,to remind us what joy and memories we had there! Just my 2 cents worth Dino.


                    Post all the ODF members, their name, a current picture, their avatar and their current ride.
                    Sometimes we know them by the avatar or their car but don’t know them when we meet them in person.


                        Hey Tom, I think that’s a great idea ❗

                        Frank… 😎


                            Me too, Tom, great idea!! And, if possible, a photo of an old Dover car that they ran!! You know, kinda like a “before and after” shot.
                            ………………..Mikey :mrgreen:


                                HI GUYS! I like the idea of a “member profile”. would it be for original/current participants? I guess there are about 24 or so guys who raced in the old days and now. it could be more. so a separate section would be good. how about a bumper sticker for the current race car that identify these very dedicated people? hopefully dino can get the “supercharged” pc up and running soon. P.S. I am with pat on “MATERS” posts. I work on cars like that still, I grow tomatoes. I worked on all of the cars he shows so far. if some one does not like auto repair, push the BUTTON! I probably know a dozen or so auto trades people who grow gardens every year. some drink, do drugs, for “relaxation”. you get old fast sitting still,do something! PETE.


                                    Ok…All good stuff….We started some tghings way back But haven’t Updated them…Me and Papsmurph will be going through the whole site ,now that I’m back up with new computer system. Actually Now My prorams match all his current stuff ,so we can work back 7 forth.His new Studio has the latest-greatest .Some things mentioned were long overdue But my capibilities were hadicapped.Gotta remember…way back HE worked here and things were easy…then he left…my stuff got old and now …We Ready to” Carry-On”


                                        Tom Said:
                                        “Post all the ODF members, their name, a current picture, their avatar and their current ride.
                                        Sometimes we know them by the avatar or their car but don’t know them when we meet them in person.”
                                        Ah …this “could” take some time …research and photo posting ….But Me have Idea…We HAVE a ‘Current Rides’ Forum Topic…Use It ! A lot of original info was done with ‘privacy & security” issues and reasons…why most forums use “User Names” …we have some that want to remain anynomous…so it’s pretty much up to an individual to ‘reveal’ things.I try to respect that privacy.More thought on this …and I’ll Be Back on it.


                                            Dino….you have been busy with the computer stuff. There is no secerts or privacy any more, turn on the Tv. 😆 😆


                                                Yeah Tom…Got a point there…still at it today ,mounting power strips and running cables..reminds me of your photos running the electrical in the ’55…I’m up about 90% operational…. Lot of catching up to do….almost there…more softwear has to be loaded this week and I am enjoying all the new toys…Will get to this topic and sort out all the ideas soon. Oh- We now have “IN-HOUSE” conversion capibilities for all the 8mm film I’ve been babysitting. Glad I waited instead of paying top dollar to an outside ‘vendor…” so everybodys submitted stuff will soon be copied and returned. I know I’m sticking news bits here and there …but most of you are getting it.


                                                    DINO! you changed the home page, you “dood” it good dude! one less click on top of it. thanks PETE.

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