See…inspiration of this at…. “Back in Time.”-New Guys…..”Some poeple say “Why” ….I say “Why Not”…….”DOVER DRAG STRIP TRIBUTE TRACK at Stormville Airport” …..run once a month (OR one BIG Event Annually)..by remaining members of Fairfield Timing assoc, In cooperation with Dover Drag Strip.com Members ….. (All competitors run ‘At their own risk,signing Waiver, No spectors allowed next to track while running, NHRA competitor licence regulations adhered to …most runs are ‘exibition only ‘for cars over 125mph… could reduce to only 1/8 mile …get street rodder community involved and run Show AND night -time Cruise Night …with coordinated ‘Rod -run ” with check points for street legal…NEED A REUNION SITE ?…they run flea markets there all the time …Some legal obsticles overcome by a “legal ‘guy (Any one on forum -A Lawyer ?) WE NEED ‘Venture capital…(Sponsor-‘presented by’) Dover CSI FULL INVESTAGATION.!!!!!..biggest cost of race track IS pavement …its there !….Not FarFetched 😮 and we have plenty of ODF’s in the area to do the Recon….ANDY ?..Bobby…Brian…who else ?
All kinds of stuff on GOOGLE !….Check out the Arial !!! theres just few I found………………………Do some more guys !!!!
this place Should be used for Combined Car Show ..Auto Flea Market …Racin …nobody seems to have HAD the “Vision ”
http://www.stormn69.org/20070512Stormville.html < ——-LOOKS PREETY GOOD TO ME !!!! …lets go Racin!
***Found this on google at Wikipedia:
Stormville is a privately owned, public use airport. Pete and Rose O’Brien ran the airport until their retirement. The current owner is their daughter Patricia Carnahan. There are no services for aircraft and no aircraft based there. Airport facilities such as runways, taxiways, wind sock, and pavement markings are in poor condition
AS YOU CAN SEE …I”M N O T Kidding about this # ONE obsticle—-> location …then go from there
Also …Need a History search…IF I’M Not mistaken ..Somebody (Car-Club) Ran DRAGS here way Back …Dino
Upstairs Bob here: Stormville Airport is pretty big…enough parking for hundreds of cars. As far as I know, the flea market is held on holidays only…I believe about 4 a year. They used to have skydiving there, but I believe that was cancelled. It’s approximately 20 minutes from Gene’s 1900. I’ll talk to some old timers to find out more. Also, a few of the good ol’ boys around here know Judge Rennie. Maybe they can squeeze some free info out of him to set things in motion. If this notion takes off, it could really be a big thing around here. With a little advertisement, people from all over NY would come. I’ll see what I can due to get this off the ground this coming week.
Hey there is a website its http://stormvilleairportfleamarket.com my wife and I have sold flower pots and farm stuff from the farm there . Anyway go to the site as soon as you click on it has a view from a plane in clearly shows how big how wide and how llloooooonnnnggggggg it is !! there is also phone numbers and dates of whats going on there and there is a car show there already !!! so check it out all of you and see what you think ??? and I dont have to tell you it would be a lot more fun even with just 1/8th mile which is still plenty of time to let it hang out !!!! so maybe who is in charge of the reunion now would be able to aproach the idea the correct way and hopefully be able to make it possible could talk to them the right way cuase I would guess if the $$$ money $$$ part was right for them it could probaly work out …………………..tomatohead
Hi, This is my first post here. I probably should have checked in as a new member first, but this caught my attention.
I’m liking this idea! Does anyone know the condition of the pavement? I’d imagine that it hasn’t had much maintenance.
I guess first things first – find out if the owner would be open to this, then it would probably need to go through the planning board who will bring it to the attention of land owners in that town. If there is little opposition it may fly. They can’t complain about the excess traffic, since it wouldn’t exceed the flee market traffic. Noise would be the big obsticle.
I aways thought the pavement was OK and I would try to get my foot in the door first for something like at leasaed one meet for the year and hope the owner would go for that and then push it or the next thing you know we will have a York 30s Super/Stock meet all over again !!!!!!!!!! Hell once word got out they would be towing in from all over !!!!!!!! tomato
OH and I have no problem signing a waver to race you pretty much do that anyway tomato
i think this is a great idea. i would help and i think a lot of others would to. there are alot of drag racer around here and us old farts who remember dover would love this and get those old cars out. im redoing a 62 falcon gasser from the 60s that i ran against a freind built. also a 65 dodge straight axle tilt nose 440 car and a 37 fiat drag truck fait didnt build one i did. so lets hope this can be done. billy the kidd bender
Hey Just rent The Vally for the day !!!
You runwhatchyabrung !!
Beat the crap out of em till they wont run no more!
Everyone chips in.
Dino in the tower!!!!!
Again,my 2 cents!!
Rent The Valley.
Dino makes some DDS signs to place over The Valley signs on the starting line!!
Looks Kool !!
My 2 cents.
WE could “RENT” anyplace …This would be unique…not just a nother Titled nostalgia race , but more like a TOTAL DOVER EVENT. KInd of like the Old Stormville Original LOOK …The Valley TOO Modern..way north too..and we’d have total control of the place……my 2 cents….just working out the concept.
OH ….NEED TIMING EQUIP !!! THATS Where the Ct. Street Rodders could come into the picture with the old CT. Dragway stuff they got….There’s the Corp. Support aspect, to get the equip on loan or rent …”How do you say” SPONSORS !
Yes we could rent the Valley but Dinos idea of it would be “unique” is what made Dover , Dover . and the distance is in the middle for everybody . Also we dont know if we cant have it at Stormville Airport yet we havent asked. And I like Dinos “2 cents” and my “2 cents ” is it would be nice to have the ” 1 st Dover Drag Strip Meet ” if we can call it that would be at Island Dragway in New Jersey which is More like Dover was and is closer then Etown and NOT the Valley , and “Island is also unique” and Tony who runs the show at Island would probably be “Happy” to help out with the ” 1 st Dover Drag Strip Meet ” . At the Valley they would just “FIT US IN ” and again Dino in the Tower !! ……….. just my 2 cents ………….tomato
dino, didn,t you shut down that airport with a ufo sighting
Ok….Got another Memory to throw in the mix….At one time There was an Airport …Seems to be up a hill …couldn’t see it from the road …that some Hot rodders Way back when …Like Before Dover or early sixties used…It was someplace around Somers, Mahopac or I really don’t remember …Paved ..Someone Like Bruce Hertel or early Westchester guys might recall …Am I dreaming here or was there one ? IT might still be there ?
No Digger… it was the Goodyear Blimp