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HEY TOM…Guess what ? in viewing the VHS V-Bob sent (Part Of Our Big Video project) of his original 8mm footage ……theres the coupe RUNNING …That is an awfull tease …you’ll just have to wait 🙄
Dont forget all those still pics are from my slides which I’ll have setup for the Dover fest!!
To try an answer the question quoted below:
I see a different looking tank in front and side panels under the hood. Are we absolutely sure that this is Tom Blake’s and Bill MacWilliam’s ’37 Ford.[/quote]
Talked to Bill about the tank. We changed from the non-pressurized tank and fuel pump to the aluminum pressure tank. It was a later addition and the side curtains were not always run. That should answer why the appearance is different between pictures.
Dino…..Are you suggesting the video might be of our ’37? if so that would be more than we would have ever expected.
YEP…Think so …Sent BOBs VHS back to him…We did some computor tricks and copied it to DVD ….Now “MAybe” I can convince” papasmurf” to burn a copy for the nominal fee of ? + shipping, ….as long as it’s alright with the V-BOB. Hook up 2 VHS players and make a VHS copy… BUT why bother if it’s on a DVD already .Have to look at it and confirm the car ID .
Dino…. When I read you response “YEP…Think so…” I called Bill to tell him there might be a video of the ’37 Ford racing at Dover. Both of us are pretty excited to see what the video shows. A video from more than 40 years ago of a thing we both liked back than and still have interest in today. Just amazing.
All this new found information will lead to interesting voice overs for the video project if you decide to do it that way.
I can’t wait to see this stuff for myself. Maybe I will spot myself as a kid in the pits…eh…???
Dino….is it possible for us to view the DVD?
Go see: http://www.doverdragstrip.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=669
Right now…!
HAVE CHANGED “BENCH RACING HEADING” TO INCLUDE “OTHER TRACKS -60’s70′ ….. so move Non-Dover discussions to there
Is brother Gene’s Studabaker still around and what was in that car?
No he choped the roof off to make a roadster out of it and it did’nt work out too well
I think I had a 401 nail head /ALSO I see you live in Lakland we will be in Bradenton for the points race February come by and see us
will have the RYCO TA/FC we won this race last year. ANTHONY
Bradenton sounds good, will try and remember February.
That is My stude, it had a 401 buick the same engine we ran in the A/A later on, I did cut the top but to chop it not to make a roadster, thing is I dont know crap about body work and all the kings horses and all the kings men couldint put the top back on so i junked it, funny thing i dont remember racing it, but there it is, the hole in the fender was the ex, I had a oil filter can from an old buick welded to the headers and then to the mufflers i was abel to cap it off with the top of the filter housing so i could drive it on the street, Oh Dino, see if you can get a spell check program, i flunked lunch.