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Dino…Thanks, amazing to see some of the old stuff that we had no idea was around. I know you are busy and thanks for taking the time to post the pictures.
Maso…..Thanks for your support also. It is surprising this thread has gone this far. We didn’t know we were in such popular company from back than. Company like the Terranzino’s and the Brazee’s, cool.
It is nice that people take the time to share our old memories, things we haven’t thought about for more than forty years. I wish I had spent more time meeting and getting to know many of the folks on the site today.
I know it has been said a hundred times or more but the old memories of Dover are great, thanks.
Dino….anything new on the video of the ’37? It does look like you have your hands full lately with all the new stuff coming in.
George Brazee said that he would drop in here soon… but not yet.
Tom,Did you paint the engine color on the 409? The choice of colors rang a bell with me, was that Jack Merkle or somebody on long Island that painted all their engines that color? Thanks, Jack Karl
Krylon Red on this engine, back in those days I was lucky to be able to get the machine work and balancing done. Always assembled our own engines and transmissions.
Just talked to my daughter in MA, we talked about the Dover site and painting the engines. She remembered painting the engines red, orange and highlighting them with yellow. We borrowed the name of that scheme from another racer and we called it Psychodelic Mustard Puke.
Thanks for asking
Tom Blake
Is anybody curious enough to try and locate this car. ’37 Fords don’t just disappear into oblivian, collectors keep them.
Anthony & Gene
I would guess by now you are ready to head to Florida. Will be looking for you guys Saturday in Bradenton. Good luck this year, it would be great to see you guys repeat the win.
Maso….I don’t think anyone would be able to trace that car unless they knew the guy that owned the body shop.
It was totally different from when we raced it. It was a real show piece after the complete rebuild as a hotrod. Red exterior paint, beautiful roll and pleat interior. There was nothing to identify it as it was before the transformation. Even I couldn’t believe it was the same car.
Anthony & Gene
I would guess by now you are ready to head to Florida. Will be looking for you guys Saturday in Bradenton. Good luck this year, it would be great to see you guys repeat the win.
Just to clear this up, I have nothing to do with Anthony and Mikey Ferro’s TA/FC, I tune a G/P boat And a K boat” blown BBC’s
I’ll be in Orlando second week in March with the flat bottom K boat, don’t know exactly where in Orlando but if any one is interested it’s FREE admission, and i will find out where and post it.
Tonight the ’37 Ford reached 1320 hits and that was the first picture that started this thread. That is amazing to me. The 1320 number has a familiar ring to it.
by Maso on Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:08 am
dinotheweirdo wrote:
Tom…Found a gorgeous Shot of the Old Coupe in the Kevin Dunn Slides ! And about 5 shots of the famous “Patina” MG he’s restoring…Of note…sorted AGAIN to send out first 100 ….Shots of “Progression ” of Little Giant…from primer…with small front wheels to..larger spoked whells …to paint & Lettering. Also great wheelstand shots of “Bad News” and a bunch of Henry J’s…Smokeys !!! what color was it ? got about 4 ! Oh…super shots of Lagana’s coupe with battery up in the air…this is a TEASE ,telling you all this …’cause it takes a couple of weeks to send out AND ,I’m only doing 100 at a time …Unless we have a windfall in the “Sales” of ODF’s or Store stuff.
You’re really going to have an impressive photo archive…!
I remember seeing Lagana’s coupe with the battery mounted way up there. They must have told him that he couldn’t get away with that for safety reasons. There must be a story to go along with that.
The Blake/McWilliams coupe went from obscurity to DDS lagendary status because of us…eh…?
Copied the above here so Bill could follow this about the ’37.
Tried to reach him when the video was posted but no contact yet.
I know I have used the word amazing a lot of times since checking in on this Dover site but I have run out of good words that express the history that has come out about our ’37 B/A. Just amazing, thanks to all that have supplied the pictures and videos of that car.
The teaser of tom blake and me racing , the question was asked in the begining of this tried, who won? did the teaser go to the finish line? if so who won? Gene.
Place your bets now…
Here’s another question for discussion: The Coupe’s W-Block ended up in the Modified Sportscar… and Gino’s nailhead ended up in the “Let It Fly” Altered… Did those cars ever line up together for a go at it…??? That might spark some memories…eh…?!
We’ll never know …Our ace photographer let go of the record button before the run was over…we see that a lot …But also see some really cool runs ,right out to, poppin the chutes and seeing win lights come on . I’ve previewed Hours & hours of this footage ….bye the way Gene…Wheres Your Film ??? We’ll dupe it and send right back …Oh that reminds me …got a big Reel comimg back any day ,we converted from,to DVD Bob McArthur …Maybe more of the coupe ????