Pictures of the Super Pumpkin 57 Chevy under restoration

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        Hi, I was searching the UK site the Acceleration Archive. And came across 6 pictures by Rickard Eklund . Here’s the text that go’s with them. These six pictures were sent in by Rickard Eklund and show work in progress on the restoration of his friend’s ’57 Chevy.
        So what? I hear you ask.
        Well this car is actually Super Pumpkin and the plan is to restore it to its original condition.
        Click here to see a picture of the car as it once was, as you can see they have quite a bit of work on their hands!

        The last picture is from the Alan Currans collection at the Acceleration Archive. Notice the Super Pumpkin is parked next to the former Brooklyn Heavy Dodge Challenger which was renamed London Heavy. Heavy’s pro stock Duster also ended up in the UK at the same time.
        Here’s the link for the Acceleration Archive


            as Video Bob would say …”Holy Hockey Puck!’ I will Get in touch with these ‘blokes’, henceforth ,to get on the forum and will supply them with some of our Archived photos ….Blimey … good show mates !!


                WOW… i can’t believe thats my old car … i’ve wondered for years what ever happened to it…i wish i knew how to get a hold of the guy that owns it now … i could help him out … i still remember alot about the car 😛 😛 😥 😥 Billy

                    quote Billy Casey:

                    WOW… i can’t believe thats my old car … i’ve wondered for year what ever happened to it…i wish i knew how to get a hold of the guy that owns it now … i could help him out … i still remember alot about the car 😛 😛 😥 😥 Billy

                    Billy that do’nt look like your old car the black car in the pic’s has the rear insert and the two pice trim over the rear tire. but you should know better than anyone.


                        E-mailed dragfarout…he said Its for real…second owner over there, painted it black …BUT look underneath …it’s orange..they must have added the trim . He’s going to track down the guy restoring it…new DoverCSI operative.


                            HOLLY HOCKEY PUCK !!
                            COME ON ODFS LETS GET THESE TWO BACK TOGETHER!!!!!
                            Pierce Bronson owes me for taking my girlfriend!!
                            Borrow an C1A from Stewart AFB in Newburgh and get over there roll her up inside and bring her back home where she belongs!!
                            Coould drop her off at Green airport in R.I. Billy !!!
                            Save you the ride to N.Y.!!



                                Hi guys..New guy here from the UK.
                                I was crew man on ‘Super Pumpkin’ for some of it’s time racing in the UK. My friends Pete and Maggie Devlin owned the car and it ran in the modified class over here. I have a lot of history and many fantastic memories of our times with it and my biggest regret in life is not buying it when I had the chance to. It actually feels quite strange having the opportunity of talking to Bill Casey about his car which had such a huge impact on me and certainly left it’s mark.
                                I am in touch with the guys in Sweden who have it now and they have been restoring it to it’s 1976 condition using my photos as a helping hand. I’m very enthusiastic about seeing the car again when it is finished.
                                Would you like me to put some of the history down here?



                                    1976 at Snetterton UK.
                                    Hard to explain how much the car means to me. 🙂

                                    …Hey Plump!…Dino here: Doctored up the photo for the guys ! e-mail if ya like and I’ll edit / post [edit-dino]



                                        WOW !!! Talk about history, world travel, intrigue, twists and turns. This is a book in the making. Steve welcome aboard, I can understand how much the car means to you, I’m lucky to have gotten a car that I use to crew with at Dover and am trying to get it back on the track. A lot of friends helped me to get it and they are no longer with us, so its even more important I finish it while the ones left are alive to see it. Again Welcome.




                                            Man,I thought we got a lot on snow,that last pic says it all!!



                                                Sorry about that pic! It’s the way I scanned it incorrectly. You need to pull the slider down to view….. 😳

                                                ………………………I fixed ! [edit-dino]


                                                    Don’t miss the “plump-mans” info, he wrote in “New Guys” too !


                                                        Thanks Dino. Before the car left England it also raced under the name of ‘Hellraiser’…..

                                                        Two pics here .



                                                            Well..Casey was and still is ! He’ll be here soon …What ’til he sees all this !


                                                                HI , Glad I was able to get everybody together. this is definitely a story for a magazine. 😀 Thanks to the forum at UK Drag Racing Nostalgia Website which is a very cool website .
                                                                Here are 3 more pictures I found.
                                                                The first one was taken at Blackbushe August ’74
                                                                The Super Pumpkin parked behind the Ex Brooklyn Heavy Dodge Challenger Photo courtesy of (Nick Pettitt’s Photo Galleries)

                                                                1977 — Pete Devlin took Best Competition Car Award for the imported “Super Pumpkin” (Dave Elden pic)

                                                                SANTA POD APRIL 1982 Easter Internationals-Dave Mingay was out in the ex-Super Pumpkin 427 ’57 Chevy
                                                                Photo curtesy of (Nick Pettitt’s Photo Galleries)

                                                                Nick Pettitt’s cool shots are part of the Time Travel Dvd’s British Drag Racing & Hot Rodding History website

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