Who’s on line? the DAILY ‘CHAT’ that never ends

Forums Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION Who’s on line? the DAILY ‘CHAT’ that never ends

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        Well you’re right……………Tomatohead still has and is smelling the roses..Good for him but I look ahead and see what is on the horizon and we are screwed if some immediate major policies and changes are not made..I use whatever freedoms still available and more….Don’t give a shit who likes or dislikes it and I will continue to do so..Like I said “assholes”………That’s right….Running the once great country and a whole new breed of assholes being raised and taught the “new way”…..So sorry scumbags, not for me……. πŸ™


            One of the other automotive sites I frequent has a seperate thread section for political/social/current events, open to just its premium members. Perhaps that’s something you could consider, Dino?



                GOOD MORNING AMERICA!


                    Mornin Guys,
                    Thought I’d chime in a bit…luckily we live in a country where we “still” can voice our opinions and enjoy drag racing. If it wasn’t for our military we’d be speaking a different language 60 years ago! Don K and Tommy D got it right. Storm king is exactly right…a politics only forum is needed here too. Yellow Bullet has one and boy does it get hot!! As I right this one of my fellow supervisors son is awaiting the call…he’s a marine…first to go….planes are on the tarmac ready for Libya and Egypt. Watch the news this week, it may get interesting.



                        As a veteran myself,I agree with all of your opinions.When I watch the news and see how much hatred there is against America in these specific countries,over a stupid film that we did ‘not’ have any part of, when are we gonna wake up and smell the coffee feeling sorry and supporting these ‘animals’ for years now! I realize not all of them are bad,however,when I see the pillage and burning the American flag,it’s like a hot knife going through my heart; I then turn off the t.v. and try hard to concentrate on something else,though it is ‘very’ hard. That’s how my ‘American’ brain thinks guys!


                            ….ok , I understand what Don is saying ,and agree with him , I just didnt have anything to add to His post , and this is the daliy chat , right ❓ so I just started chatin bout ,shots of whiskey and cold beer πŸ˜€ thats still legal too right ❓ ,long as I dont go drivin , and my last swin of this year πŸ™ fall is on the way ❗ and nice cool air so when we go to the track in sept and oct we will run faster πŸ˜€ maybe Ill see someof you guys at the Valley sept 30 for the Hot Rod Nostaglia drags and swap meet πŸ˜€ ❗ ………………….. later ❗

                                quote mikey:

                                There you go again, telling us what not to post. What’s wrong with different opinions ? C’mon, Dino. A little slack here, JEEZ !! πŸ™ πŸ™

                                Boy …You guys JUST DON”T GET IT….You Can have any darn opinion you want…MY COMMENT ABOUT “A**HOLE” remarks was pertaining to all the language not the message. I DIDN’T Take 4 years buiiding this site to be a Political Debate Forum, so the kids and girls that read it have to see all the profanity, I thought this thing was about Dover.It seems all you guys are kinda on the same page….you voice your frustration….and its like preaching to the choir. Do you guys really want a Politcal Forum “That Can Get Really Hot”… ? wow, that sounds enjoyable…lets listen to all the complaning.I’m working with the local Republican Party,thats stronger than ever here ( sorry Democrats) to DO Something …putting my ‘voice’ into action.

                                1. No profanity in subject lines
                                2. No political/religious/racial posts
                                3. No Porn.
                                9- Any actions deemed in violation of these rules may cause your privilages to be revoked at the discretion of he administrator.

                                1. If in doubt, don’t post it

                                ……………sure I’ve Broken my own rules ,but corrected it.


                                        Dino,I reread your ODF forum ‘rules’ (13 Commandments ) listed by Papasmurf,in the forum,and I for one,got off ‘track’,braking one of the rules you listed,venting my political views through frustration,to your site which was ‘wrong’,and I apologize.It’s hard to accept all the ‘negatives’ the U.S. faces every day,however like you say,your ODF forum was created to bring back the ‘good’ times and memories we had at Dover,and keep it going with a clear ‘positive’ attitude,and abide by the forum ‘rules’ that you lay forward originally! Hopefully,all in question,will once again review the ‘rules’ and get back on the ODF track!!!


                                            Especially so with this very critical election coming up. 😐


                                                Cakes…Those rules were posted in 2008! we took some liberty by following pretty much what Jalopy Journals “Hamb” did. Very successful and well run forum….Know for ‘No B.S.”…Just don’t like how you have to hunt all over for things.The message board is like FaceBook. Maso …Every Election is critical..In stead of whining-Do Something..wanna open your eyes?…look who was president through out All the Dover Years of Operation.Really explains why and what. 74-75 recession-gas embargo-55 mpg -unleaded gas-quotas to Detroit on gas mizer production-Caps on truck/4×4/van production-the death of the Muscle Car….All contributed to Dover’s demise.In 75-76,while at Custom Vans in Danbury, we Couldn’t get Vans or pick-up from dealers to convert.They didn’t have any.We were pulling 4×4 Chevy and Ford pick-ups out of Canada,just to have an inventory to continue business. Said all that to remind you ,your vote counts and not taking ANY sides….who’s in the White House definatly has an effect on the economy.

                                                click on top right to Reagen to Obama


                                                    Dino….I don’t apologize and you are still a DICKWEED πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† But I still love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€


                                                        πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Hey Don…haven’t had a much “time” last couple months…other than to “read” the continuing Dover “story/saga/times”…now & then…but…as always…truly love you “hoss”…for man-ing up!!!… πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ :D…U…tell it like it is…maybe at times a lil’ removed from the PG rating tolorances ‘eh πŸ˜† πŸ˜† :lol:..but…U…leave no “doubt”…U…are a man…amongst men :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: if…just if…ever had to have just one guy…to be in one proverbial “foxhole” with…to survive..or perish…it’s Donnie Kauer…”case closed”… πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ “top o’ the woild”…ma’… πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Drake…p.s x2 Dino πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                                                            quote Don Kauer:

                                                            Dino….I don’t apologize and you are still a DICKWEED πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† But I still love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€

                                                            ….Apologize? YOU? And its MISTER Dickweed
                                                            Hey Drake…figured you been EyE balling those new CobraJets.. eh?


                                                                Whew 😯 …Just stopped squirting a big sign with Basecoat -pearls and metallics..Bunch of airbrush tricks in it . Doing it ,as in “Custom Paint” on a car.,That should dazzle the Vinyl cutters in town. Fumes are like a blast from the past .whippee!…but enough for today. Cleaned the guns and going home for ‘pizza night”.

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