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Dino, we are pretty far inland, and we are getting occasional showers every day, and have been since late Wednesday. Now the wind, that’s a different story. It’s been windy since Wednesday, with some pretty good gusts. I think that you guys on, or near the coast had better watch you weather channels really close, and be concerned about the winds. If you don’t have a generator, get one, at least enough to run your fridge, and some other necessities, especially if you’ve got kids. You need at least a 3500 watt generator, just my opinion. And bottled water is an absolute necessity. If your area has no electric, sometimes there is no power to run the pumps that bring water to your home, ergo, bottled water. Propane, or charcoal for the grill, just in case. Just trying to be helpful, we’ve been through several of these storms, and were actually out of our home for 14mos. after the hurricanes in 2004. Not fun. Be safe, and stay in touch. ……………Mikey, and the McDermott Family 😆
Theresa,John,Michelle,Laura,Cassie,Tiffany, and Tasha.
Better safe than sorry…just like at the track-pack the spare Carb and Trans:
Dino,I’m pretty prepared for ‘Sandy’. standing by and I too followed Mikey’s advice,a good reserve of supplies,generator,ect.to wait out the storm.By the way it looks Jersey and N.Y. City,along with Connecticut are gonna get hit the hardest! Talked to 2 of my sisters in Jersey last night (there ready for whatever,with generators,ect.). Batten down the hatches,hopefully we’ll all make it through this storm faithfully!
…… my wife was coming home and a big deer jumped right into the road ,car in front of her turned to the right and she hit the brakes and the car behind her ran off the road ……… nice ……………………….. be careful out there ……….this is what it looked like in the morning , ….. we got the est . , …….$4000 ……………is what they said they could see , but could be more when the body shop takes it apart , ….. now you know why I eat deer meat …..
WOW Joe,that’s some damage! Thankfully nobody got seriously hurt! I know V Bob put up a picture a few days ago,with a deer plastered in a grille! Unfortunately,tis the season coming up,when they get into rut,and on the move! I’ll be within a few miles of Pat D’s territory in a few weeks,deer hunting.45 years straight,with two of my best friends,on the same 250 acres of land.I just enjoy being out in the woods from dark till dark for 1 1/2 weeks,and scoring some ‘nice’ size bucks during those years also!
Brian, on e-bay right now. A little pricey but I don’t know if you have it.
item #150936032745
OH, A SONG OF THE DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgZSnAkQc4c
Yep, same here in Hyde Park, State of Emergency, stay off the roads! OK by me, my son is here from Florida for 3 weeks. He’s on crutches recovering from a deer hit in Ga that spun him in front of a tractor trailer. His 94 Explorer gave up its life saving his. I’ll spend the day with him 😀
Jack,hoping for a speedy recovery with your sons injuries!
I posted the pic of the car /deer just for viewers to be sharp ,keep an eye out for terrorest deer and turkey!out on the roads this time of the year!
Oh, heres what ole Tom Turkey did to my drivers side windshield on the ride home from The Valley race a few years ago!!!
Bossguy,I’m happy to hear your son’s alright and made it through that ‘unexpected’ accident (as they say,you can always replace a car).Hope he heals quickly,and enjoy his stay with ya for a couple of weeks!
Lets build a gasser! Hey- whats with the Mustangs in the background???
The good LORD was ridding shotgun with your son!!!!
Thank you LORD!!!!!
After seeing that Bossguy,I agree with V Bob,WOW!!! I remember growing up,Roy Roger’s used to say on t.v..’may the good Lord take a liking to ya’! He sure did in your son’s case!!!! Still a mystery to me why the airbag in his Ford Explorer,didn’t deploy upon impact?