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The car is still sitting in the garage under the house, I think his daughter now owns the house. Last word in the area waiting for the right price on the car. Last one involved with it that I know of was Jeff Ruhl. That was over a year ago. Rich Head mentioned something related to it but no definate answer was mentioned.
I hate to see the Maverick sitting dormant, collecting dust, instead of racing.I wonder why any ‘family’ members don’t take interest in running it once in a while? . Pete.
ALERT…PapaSmurph (our resident Geek) And I are going to be tearing apart the Forum ON MONDAY..IT might ‘be down’ for awhile..New Ideas And going to End the Confusion of ‘logging in ” to ODF Photo galleries…After 7 years I’ve decided too END the Exclusive access to ODF collection of the now 4000 photos Only to ODF Premium Members…Lots of tech advancements since our original intent has caused me to rethink the format. I’m opening it up to the Public. And we’ll be adding a ton of videos -“Dover Fests-Dover Reunions-Nostalgia Drags .Also will ‘prune out’ dead topics and obsolete categories…move everything around and organize things. Since our Softwear can’t be copied into a newer version …we’re keeping it …The only glitch’ is some have problems posting photos. I take a lot of time receiving stuff e-mail and Posting for you guys…We might have a new solution to that too. Since the FACEBOOK program…which is worth millions – does photo posting so easy & automatic …many have migrated to it.Only Problem is every new post shoves the older ones ‘down & out’ and you have to hunt in ‘photos ‘ at each page for older stuff. We Like Our Forum And Will continue It bigger & Better.ODF’s that think their ‘Exclusivity ” is being diminished will all receive a free Two Disc photo collection upon request on us THAT …We Just Broke through (New Technology) will be able to be Played on computer AND plug into your TV DVD player. Time marches on and we’re going to step up to the plate to keep up with things…Hows This…Soon “it… will take time” All dvd’s will be Blue Ray .Your old DVD players won’t read the Blue Ray stuff…even some new computers are installing Blue Ray only DVD readers. OUR NEW ODF members Package Will Include A New ODF MEMBER T-Shirt Design (Not the ’69 logo one) ,Members Decal ,’race at Dover 68 decal,Winners Decal print And That New two disc Photo Collection. Will then Eliminate ALL the ODF Forum Headings ODF members only see. More To report as we fine tune everything.
This will get your blood pumping on these cold winter days. http://youtu.be/bLtZNtvc1Aw
Pat……I want one. Good video.
Pat, thanks for letting us know, WOW! Amazing how ‘robotic’ machines function, with precise pre assembly of these engines!!! Pete.
Tom they are too small for you
So Far …Three Floridians Coming To Race …Rose’s Altered, Tom Blake & Mikey. Might have a few more …and a bunch from long distance.
loading a bigger chip in my camera !!!!!!
Notice all the slop will refreeze every night here …Hillbillys on skates…the Body shops will have a field day.
Well…I found the Best Weather Guy for your Area…Heres Some Fun…A little PG-13 but for us ‘adults’ Have a Laugh…
Find him on Facebook at Hillbilly Weatherman.